GST: Understanding Input Tax Recovery Rules (Live Webinar)

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10 May 2024, Friday

09.00AM - 05.00PM
Online Classroom in or outside of Singapore

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Programme Synopsis

GST-registered businesses can claim GST on their imports and expenses incurred for business purposes. However, there are certain expenses that are not claimable. Businesses who make both taxable and exempt supplies may not be able to claim the full amount of allowable input tax. Wrongful claims are common errors noted during the IRAS’ audits. Penalties could be imposed for these errors.

This workshop by ISCA aims to provide participants with a better understanding of the input tax recovery rules.

Programme Outline

A Highlight of Key Areas:
  • Input Tax Recovery Rules
    - Qualifying conditions
    - Disallowed / blocked expenses
    - Time of claiming
  • Supporting Documents
    - Tax Invoice
    - Customer Accounting Tax Invoice
    - Simplified invoice
    - Import Permit
  • Ascertaining the amount of GST claimable
    - Impact of partial exemption
    - De-minimis rule
    - Attribution / Apportionment
  • Specific Expenses
    - Gifts
    - Fringe Expenses
    - Business Expenses

About the Presenter(s)/ Trainer(s)

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Ms Catherine Chiang
Chartered Accountant (Singapore)
Consul Biz Consultancy Services
Accredited Tax Advisor (GST)

Catherine has more than 20 years of experience in GST consultancy, with 10 years of training experience. She has previously spent 6 years in IRAS, handling GST and Income Tax audit and almost 10 years with 2 of the Big Four international accounting firms, specializing in GST compliance and advisory work. During this period, she has accumulated extensive experience in performing GST prudential reviews, GST consultancy, GST compliance and GST training for clients.

Catherine has a Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours) degree from the National University of Singapore. She is an Accredited Tax Advisor (GST) registered with the Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals and a member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants. Catherine is also an Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) certified Trainer.

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