SCTP: Anchoring Tax Exposures

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Recommended: Protect against unexpected tax liabilities and secure certainty in your taxes 
14 January 2022, Friday
10.30AM - 12.00PM

Tech check from 10.15am

Online Classroom

CPE Hours (Income Tax):

1.5 hour(s)

CPE Hours (GST):

0 hour(s)



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Programme Synopsis

Tax rules are sometimes complex, especially in cross-border situations. Even with the best expert advice, companies often need to make good faith judgements about how the rules apply to their business operations. Tax authorities might have a different judgment about how the very same rules are applied to the very same business operations and challenge a tax position taken by a company. This results in uncertainties which often cover multiple financial years and involve significant amounts. 

With the evolving tax rules globally, companies need to manage their tax risks that may arise and can adopt a variety of tools to secure certainty. Join in this webinar that explores an area not typically mentioned in tax – tax insurance.  
Learn how companies navigate with greater certainty through the web of intricacies in strategic business moves in this upcoming webinar by Vijay Nair, Tax Associate Director at Aon. Listen as he shares case studies and walk away with a better understanding of how tax risks are managed.

Programme Outline

• Learn why companies use tax insurance to achieve tax certainty over other forms of tax risks management avenues
• Understand through case studies, how tax insurance is used in different scenarios
• Know how tax liability insurance works as a means to manage tax risks
• Be clued in on the processes and timelines when using tax insurance 
• Be equipped with additional tools to manage tax risks in your organisations

About the Facilitator(s)

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Mr Vijay Nair
Associate Director, Tax
Transaction Liability Insurance
Aon Singapore

With over 10 years of tax experience, Vijay currently spearheads Aon’s tax insurance solutions practice in Asia where he advises clients on the use of tax liability insurance as a solution to securing certainty to tax exposures and mitigating tax risks. 
Prior to joining Aon, Vijay worked in a Big 4 firm for over 10 years in both Singapore and Canada where he provided tax advisory and transfer pricing services to multinational companies, particularly on their cross-border M&A, restructuring and financing transactions.
Vijay’s tax experience was amassed from being the account driver for several tax clients across the region. His wide repertoire spans the full range of corporate tax advisory, corporate tax compliance, mergers and acquisitions transactions, transfer pricing and digital solutions automation across the financial services sector.

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