Insights to GST in the Digital Marketplace

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20 August 2024, Tuesday

09.00AM - 05.00PM
ISCA House 
60 Cecil Street
Singapore 049709

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Programme Synopsis

Digitalization has changed our way of life. The supplies and demands for goods and services have digitalized into manifolds, especially post-COVID-19. GST is no longer a domestic tax, and it has since progressed beyond the boundaries.

To close the tax gap resulting from taxing supplies under conventional business models, the GST rules have been globalized in the digital economy. Further, to level the playing field between domestic businesses and their overseas counterparts, Singapore has likewise adopted new international standards to protect the GST revenues.

A full-day session by ISCA aims to give an overview of the GST taxing tools and taxing framework in areas specific to the digital economy: reverse charge, overseas vendor registration regime; digital tokens, digital payment tokens, cross-border digital and non-digital transactions (including low-value goods and remote services), through case studies. GST applications on cross-border transactions illustrated via case studies are deployed to explain the specific rules in advertising services, transport and travel services, arrangement of financial services, insurance services, web-hosting services and international telecommunication and services.

Programme Outline

A Highlight of Key Areas:
  • GST Challenges faced in a digital economy.
  • Definition of goods and services in the digital economy
  • The Singapore GST Taxing Model in the digital economy
  • Crypto assets and their respective GST treatment
  • The taxing tools – Reverse Charge and Overseas Vendor Registration Regime
  • Case studies on taxing cross- border transactions in the digital economy
    - advertising services;
    - transport and travelling services;
    - financial services;
    - insurance services;
    - web-hosting services; and
    - international telecommunication services

About the Presenter(s)/ Trainer(s)

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Mrs Eng Li Ming
Accredited Tax Advisor (GST)

Li Ming is an Accredited Tax Advisor (GST) of The Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals (SCTP). She customizes GST compliance review and offers consultancy services for businesses, local CPA firms and foreign tax administrations. The personalized programmes for tax administrations have benefited various tax offices in China, Brunei-Ministry of Finance, Maldives Inland Revenue Authority, The Seychelles Tax Administration,  Royal Malaysian Customs Department (“RMCD’), some African countries, Oman-Customs, and India.  Also, she conducts practical workshops (e.g., for Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants) or structured training programmes (e.g., for Tax Academy) in the GST areas that she specializes in.
Before 2012, Li Ming was a Tax Director in the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). She is one of the pioneers personally and actively engaged in preparing for Singapore’s “non-event” GST implementation. In the last two decades, she contributed significantly to the GST administration, improving business friendliness and operational efficiency. These are reflected in resolving technical issues and dealing with GST rulings, initiating and implementing GST policy changes for the various sectors, including manufacturing, real estate, telecommunications, logistics, and the financial industries.
On the compliance front, she was personally involved in developing two compliance programmes designed explicitly by IRAS to facilitate voluntary compliance - Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK) and Assisted Compliance Assurance Programme (ACAP). Such programmes were successfully launched and have been well-received by GST-registered businesses.

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