The Accredited. The Preferred.

In the constantly evolving world of today and working within a multi-faceted profession, tax specialists often have to advise on the best tax strategy while taking into consideration a wide range of intricate business and regulatory issues.

Since the set-up of the then Singapore Institute of Accredited Tax Professionals (now referred to as Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals) in 2010, tax professionals have a professional body that is focused solely on the profession’s development and needs. No longer are tax professionals just one of many in a generalist professional body.

Accredited tax professionals now not only possess the opportunity to differentiate themselves through a professional designation but also have access to exclusive leads to relevant upcoming national and niche developments, privileged access to a plethora of relevant technical knowledge resources and the all-essential opportunity to network among fellow accredited tax professionals. The accredited are equipped with that extra edge to stand out from the crowd. Click here for details of the benefits and privileges of the accredited.

The result? Accredited tax professionals are progressively the preferred choice of employers and the business community – the taxpayers.

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